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dark theme

Pre Made Album Cover Petite Orchid An album cover featuring a woman with pink hair, colored eyes, dramatic makeup, and fangs, against a dark, geometric background.

Petite Orchid #16226

An album cover featuring a woman with pink hair, colored eyes, dramatic makeup, and fangs, against a dark, geometric background.
Pre Made Album Cover Ebony Clay a blue and black poster with a skull on it

Ebony Clay #10573

a blue and black poster with a skull on it
Pre Made Album Cover Thunder the cover of smokey honey's dark crossing

Thunder #10330

the cover of smokey honey's dark crossing
Pre Made Album Cover Squirrel a poster of a heart with the words midnight echies on it
this cover has been sold.

Squirrel #10510

a poster of a heart with the words midnight echies on it
Pre Made Album Cover Cod Gray A black and white image features a metallic skull with intricate design, set against a blurred background.

Cod Gray #16291

A black and white image features a metallic skull with intricate design, set against a blurred background.
Pre Made Album Cover Woodsmoke Graphic novel style image of a serious man with glowing blue highlights on a dark background.

Woodsmoke #16155

Graphic novel style image of a serious man with glowing blue highlights on a dark background.